For years I wanted to visit Texas and always dreamed of seeing hot gays wearing cowboy hats. For me this was a fantasy that I always...
Austin is nothing you would expect from Texas. Hardly any rednecks and more hipsters than cowboys. Generally it’s a super young city with a median age of 31 - basically a student city. Don’t be surprised that most of the guys you meet are 5-10 years younger than you.
It’s hot and nice here. Make sure you book a hotel with a swimming pool open 24/7 as you will need it after the night out (best thing ever!). The heat has another amazing perk - everybody is jogging shirtless (seriously 100% of the time). I’ve never seen sooo many hot boys running shirtless. Next time I visit, I’m totally bringing my sneakers and shorts (no tee) and joining them.
There’s not much to do in the downtown in daytime, better spend a day at the Barton Spring Pool. The water is refreshing, you will need it after hanging out with all the hot boys. Better don’t wear speedos (sadly students still wear long shorts). It’s clear everybody goes to the gym. Boys are not buff as in LA, they are healthy muscle which is so much nicer.
As it’s a young hipster city - I was told gay bars are clubs are absolutely not cool. If you’re classy you don’t wanna end up there. Gay friendly establishments and parties are fun, however it seems like all the shirtless jogging and pool boys don’t go out.