I never really wanted to go to Belarus, but my friend after many attempts finally talked me into going to the capital Minsk. Apparently,...
There's this country in Europe that people often forget - Belarus. Actually very close to the geographical center of Europe. However, the European values, tolerance, human rights is definitely an issue in this dictator governed country.
They say in the capital Minsk gay life is even worse than in Moscow. You have to be really careful; even using the word 'gay' seems to be risky - local boys try to use codewords for that. However, I didn’t feel any danger.
Obviously, you should not expect amazing clubs or bars. There are just two tiny old fashioned clubs and one secret monthly party. We visited one of them and the party - read about it here.
It is highly recommended to meet some friendly local boy to show you around and get you access to the secret party. Be warned - they are pretty strange - hiding what you are for all your life has some impact to your way of thinking.