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Well it happened - I woke up in some apartment somewhere and the first thing I did was looked through the window just to make sure I was still in Hong Kong and not China. The tall buildings made me smile - all good, I thought...well, almost! I just have to figure out where I am and how to get back to my own hotel. It took a few days till the memories about that crazy night came back.

It all started as usual - talking to the boys on Grindr and asking for tips where to go out (on a Wednesday night!). It took 3 people to convince me that the bar called LINQ was serving gays free drinks. Yes, it was only Wednesday and for one hour only, but to me that was still amazing! Actually, this is the only time this place is “gay”.

I went there a few minutes past 9pm as I was told and the bar was extremely busy. Well not really the bar, more like the street nearby. Everybody goes in, gets free vodka (with mixer) and heads out to the street to mingle and then back for the refill. Actually the bar itself was pretty empty. Usually, when I go alone to bars I feel pretty awkward, but there's no better social lubricant than getting drunk fast (which is my expertise).

Being pretty shy, I made some local and international friends before finishing my first drink and started planing the rest of the night after the second. As soon as they stopped serving free vodka the whole crowd moved in one direction - you guessed it right - the next place serving free vodka for gays!

This decent straight club called PLAY on Wednesday night is serving gays free vodka drinks for a couple of hours. We went in as the whole LINQ crowd already being pretty tipsy and continued our overtime work with full energy - emptying bottles of vodka that came along with free pop corn and cotton candy. The only thing you need to pay for is a claw crane game with dildos and other sex toys in it. I would totally tell you more but I still remember only bits and pieces of this night which mainly included dancing and making new (mostly expat) friends.

After the bar ran out of free vodka we got into a taxi with some new ‘best’ friends and headed to the Wanchai district for more bars and of course, booze. This was the first time in my life that I have been asked to leave an establishments after I kissed a boy. Yes, this city is still super homophobic which I wouldn’t have expected.

Then comes the part that is still a blank space in my brain and my happy face realizing I’m still in free(ish) world!

That was definitely one of craziest nights in my life. I still don’t understand the reason to give out free booze, but oh well - I had fun!

And now my fave part - ratings!

LINQ 🍭🍭🍭

hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭

friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

music quality ------------------🍭🍭

drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

lights and sound --------------🍭🍭

coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭


hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭

friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭🍭🍭

music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭

drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭🍭

coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭🍭

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