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It was Saturday night and I was planing to go to bed (which never happens), then my roommate came to my room and said, “we're going out!’. I generally hate surprises, but this was one I didn't mind for once! Of course, at firstly I was grumpy and told him I wasn't going anywhere, but an hour later after having a few shots the 4 of us ended up biking somewhere outside Amsterdam, close to the Schiphol airport.

The location we were headed was superb; in the middle of nowhere in the center of some crazy village of artists and potheads (the whole town smells of weed) stood a church. When we arrived the view was surreal - various flashing lights, sounds of techno music coming from an actual church! That was our destination - ‘praying’, dressed up, drunk and/or high fun gays dancing on the altar; I absolutely loved it! At that time there was a small circus tent outside as the second room. Also, you could simply sit outside near the fire and have some deep conversation while puffing on a joint.

In the morning it's fun as well seeing all the boys looking like zombies after being consumed by the events of the night before, yet still smiling and dancing. I've witnessed strange things happen here; for instance, I've seen a peacock in the tree screaming like a cat when a plane would pass by! For real!

Going back to the city was hard. There was supposed to be a bus, but we were with our bikes (and I never saw the bus pass by); therefore, we had to ride ourselves back, which was around 15km, hungover…at that moment life was really hard. Only the happy memories about the best party we just went to gave us the motivation to work those pedals.

These parties are held in various other locations (not just churches) and it's always a nice crowd and good music!


hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭

lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

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