The first obvious reason would be, that I’m a rice queen - the truth is actually quite the opposite. There are other reasons that work for everyone. However if you're a rice queen - that's your heaven!
1. VISITOR - You’re always a visitor (even if you’re there for a year or two) - you don't care about the way you behave, your image. You will leave anyways.
2. NEW FRIENDS - You always meet new people. Foreigners living there need new friends all the time as nobody stays there too long. Therefore getting to know expats is pretty easy.
3. VACATIONS. You meet lot’s of boys on vacations - the overall mood is great, nobody cares about the problems they left back home.
4. FREE LOVE. People are definitely more promiscuous while being away from home. There are a few things boys / couples would do more likely when they are traveling. Just saying…
5. DON’T CARE. Wear whatever outfit you feel like, nobody will judge flip flops at Bangkoks DJ Station; and in case somebody do - you just don’t care. (for the record - I would not wear flip flops, but I’m definitely more relaxed on the clothes I’m wearing)
6. GROUPIES. They love us, foreigners; sometimes our money, but who cares - we get the best treatment. In some places they don’t even ask us to show our IDs (they do ask locals though).
7. EXOTIC. Every night you will find something exotic - sometimes music selection, club interior, laws, the clothes people are wearing. You are also exotic to them, which can feel great.
8. NEW CULTURE. Yes even drunk I notice new culture. Just go to Japanese hipster party Fancy Him and you will understand what I mean.
9. ADVENTURE. You never know where your journey will take you and there’s a big chance that it won’t be back to your hotel. Also, when you're relaxed more interesting things can happen.
10. TIME ZONE. Operating in different time zone can sometimes work to your benefit. Use that jet lag to help you stay out longer hours than you expected and basically prove to everyone that you’re a vampire.
11. OFF THE GRID. Most likely you will not pick up your phone or use mobile internet due to high rates of roaming in Asia. Nobody will bother you while you’re busy having fun!