What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? No way! I’m gonna tell all my experiences to the world! I had a ‘privilege’ (more like a penalty) to live there for a month. I did have a couple of nice “Vegas type experiences”, but most of my sentence there was miserable.
Coming for a weekend with a group of friends is a good idea as you only see the surface and don’t connect much with the locals or see the real Las Vegas.
Everywhere I go the first thing I do is try to make local friends. Obviously that’s what I tried in this city as well. I did meet a few guys online or in the clubs; however, never in my life have I felt so out of place. Basically the "temporary locals” (let’s call them this way for now) come here only for quick money. They are young, they don’t think they need any education and money is all they need. And the money is good here as a bartender can make 100K a year in tips! There’s no reason for education, seeing the world. Also, this desire for money makes everyone greedy, which makes people even worse.
Basically I hardly made any friends during the whole month. I have friends around the world - I don’t care about their status or salaries, I want them only to be genuine, which I realized is not possible in the "fabulous" Las Vegas!
As I had to stay there, I was trying my best in making "weekend friends”. You can say everyone comes here only to get drunk and party. Yes that’s correct, but trust me - even drunk visitor is so much more fun than "temporary locals”.
I became loyal to the off strip club SHARE - the best crowd of fun, easy going people. I have never felt bad in this club; even if I come alone some hot visitor would smile and say “hi”. As I do like classy things, I tried LIAISON - the only gay club on the strip. However, I have found it to be terrible - pretending to be classy, but ridiculously fake and empty. It tries hard to be a hedonist paradise, but even that needs to be genuine!
PIRANHA is a legendary gay club which I have given a few chances to impress me. Firstly, even after I got there by taxi I was questioning myself if I’m in the right place as the neighborhood seemed pretty dodgy. Upon entering, it feels like you are in a strip / escort club more than a dance club, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. They have some drag queens and go go boys, but most of them looked past their prime. Well, generally it is impossible to have fun with escorting piranhas around you...
Sunday morning being still hangover TEMPTATION SUNDAYS pool party at LUXOR is always fun. My only problem was, that you should go there in a group. Nobody makes new friends at a pool party. Never go there alone or as a couple as two is not enough - safety in numbers. Otherwise - alcohol, pool, hot boys around = fun!
The ratings!:
SHARE (CLOSED)---------🍭🍭🍭🍭
hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭🍭🍭
music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭
coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭
PIRANHA -----------------🍭🍭🍭
hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭
friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭🍭
music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭
coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭
LIAISON (CLOSED)--------🍭🍭🍭
hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭
friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭
music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭🍭
coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭
hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭🍭
friendliness of the people ----🍭
music quality ------------------🍭🍭🍭
drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭
lights and sound --------------🍭
coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭