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My search for the decent clubs and parties in Paris continues. It’s clear that it’s not really a party city, but I’m still trying my best to find some spots for you to go out after that romantic dinner or kissing near the Eiffel Tower.

This time I saw the add for THE WEEK BRAZIL party in town. THE WEEK is well known Brazilian party brand. They own THE WEEK RIO and THE WEEK SAO PAULO. I heard amazing stories about the latter one and cannot wait to visit it. It’s basically the best example of a good gay party in South America.

The location looked promising - YOYO at PALAIS DE TOKYO. The Palais is beautiful building on the bank of Seine, close to Eiffel tower. It hosts one of the best contemporary art museums. Sounds amazing!

I booked my ticket online - ticket number 350 the day before the event made me worry a bit, but oh well maybe Parisians hate buying advance tickets…

Arriving pretty late - there was no line, I got in very fast, hardly any checks. Going through the long concrete corridors is impressing, creates expectations of a huge, modern club. As soon as I arrived at the rather busy dance room my first thought was - ok, now where is the main room? Oh well… that actually was the main room (and the only room)… It’s a small theater size club with a balcony for VIPs (that’s a big thing in Paris - which is ridiculous).

First thing I would expect for THE WEEK - the great production. Well, not impressive at all. Just some aluminum structure with a few super muscle go go dancers and some screens. Pretty similar to Safado in Sao Paulo, but significantly smaller and hundred times more basic. No lasers, no impressing costumes or special effects. There was really nothing special - feel free to change the logo to any other basic party brand - nobody will even realize.

Nobody can disagree - it’s a circuit party. Music was very low quality too - the guest star THE WEEK BRAZIL resident is actually not as big star back home as promoted here. My friends are right telling me that people don’t go to circuit parties for the music. But that’s THE WEEK! I would expect more!

French boys are cute and that’s the only thing that sorta saved the party. Interestingly the crowd was not as druggy and not as sweaty as at the most circuit parties. Probably half of the crowd was not high and even wore the T-shirts (that is very ‘grandma friendly’ for this type of events). The bathrooms and dark corners did not look messy (if you know what I mean). I kinda liked this classy Parisian circuit crowd.

However the bar prices screamed - circuit and drugs!!! I’ve never seen water for 10 Eur. Alcohol price was also 10 Eur - which is actually the usual price for clubs in Paris.

The takeaway is very simple - it is not THE WEEK party! The same company also throws FOREVER and WE events in the city. It looks like they license the brand and produce it as cheap as possible. If I was the owner of the brand I would feel concerned. But yet again - maybe that’s good enough for the boring night life of Paris…

hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭🍭

friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭

music quality ------------------🍭

drinks --------------------------🍭🍭🍭

lights and sound --------------🍭🍭🍭

coolness of the venue --------🍭🍭🍭

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