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It was one of those weekends, when you want to escape your city, put in the ticket search engine ‘anywhere’ and go to the cheapest destination. This time it was Dublin! I thought - sure, why not!

I planned so many cultural things to see and do, but ended up only going to Guinness brewery and after that pint forgetting most of my plans. Even the Jameson tasting room! And I don’t really regret that - the whole weekend was a blast!

Gay night life as you would expect is not super elaborate. The crown of it is supposed to be the legendary dancing bar - THE GEORGE. Even though it’s an institution, I wouldn’t rush back. On weekend nights 10 EUR and waiting in a line for half an hour will reward you with a room totally packed with the boys who probably had to bring their fake IDs, their ‘girl-friends’ and lesbians dancing to the pop music. I wish at least music was from this decade… It wasn’t my scene, but I’m sure large part of the community would love this cheesy spot. Just.. could somebody explain to me why Irish people are spending the whole night holding their jackets - 2 EUR for cloakroom is too much?

There are great alternatives for both Friday and Saturday nights - the parties that take place in THE HUB. Friday night bring your ass to SWEATBOX, presented as a sweaty, gay, house party that has a darkroom. If any these words scare you - calm down! If you’ve been to Berlin or London darker parties - SWEATBOX is nothing like that. It’s much more mellow version. Yes, boys get shirtless at some stage, which is great. Music that night was all about disco house which gave a great energy. Yes, there is a darkroom - but let me tell you - even though it's scandalous (for Dublin standards) it's super mellow. I’ve never seen so many boys making out in a dark room ever! This is absolutely the best party in Dublin! Even bartenders a great - especially that cute girl from Zimbabwe!

For Saturday night - back to the same club to dance (not shirtless anymore) at MOTHER. Even more mellow and more hipster dance event. Everything is less intense in this city - even hipsters are at roughly 50% of their potential. So basically everyone is welcome and would feel great! A small tip for those who need some alcohol in their blood. Do not order Gin and Tonic as you will get Tonic in a separate bottle with a total of around 8.5 EUR, order better any other mixed drink and it will be 6 EUR.

The problematic time is 3am. Apparently by law all the clubs have to close. I know - it’s the worst law ever! But no law would ever stop the gays looking for a party. Make sure you make some new friends on the dance floor as before the end of each party people will whisper to each other where is the afterparty that night. Obviously, I’m talking about the illegal one.

That night I ended up in one of those. The venue was super strange - a restaurant basement. At the entrance you have to pay 10 EUR (it seems every party has exactly the same cover in this city), leave your jacket in the improvised cloakroom (basically on the restaurant chairs) and head downstairs to the tiny club. Trust me - I didn’t expect it to be so packed with party animals wishing to party more: straights, gays and everything in between gathered after all the clubs closed. As this is an illegal party, don’t expect to use your credit cards. Nobody will care about the venue capacity as well. This was definitely the most sweaty party I’ve been to in Dublin. Not sure it was even safe. Also, people were using all the substances they use in other clubs, just there was no point of hiding it - nobody can arrest you in the illegal party. I'm glad I made it there - had a ton of fun and don’t imagine the proper night out without it. No party animal will go home at 3 am! The worst law ever!

That’s about it - the whole Dublin’s weekly gay party scene. There’s also a monthly party EUPHORIA, that needs to be visited - everybody said it’s the best this city can deliver and I’m sure it will!

Dublin is totally underrated by international travelers. Go to there, meet friendly Irish boys and experience the small, but super fun night life!

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