It was almost midnight on Friday night when we reached our hotel. After a few drinks we were ready to head out to see how the boys party here.
We did ask people for tips and googled about the night spots, but the responses were super weird - most of the boys we chatted with have been to just one club (out of 3 we read about) or to none and haven’t even heard about them... Add to that - we were talking to torsos, empty profiles, pictures of buildings... hardly any humans (and those 2 we saw most likely were fake pics). We had to check the venues ourselves.
I’m glad we stayed next to MUSK. When we arrived there around 1am that tiny dancing bar was super packed. While entering I felt the whole club staring at us - probably the strongest ‘fresh meat’ effect ever. It was obvious that it’s a very small and tight community.
The music was absolute sh$t - sounded like Serbian village wedding songs. However those boys were having some serious fun - it was impossible not to join them in dancing and drinking those cheap basic cocktails. The place was bouncing!

*all the official photos of the clubs are human-less (the same as those online profiles)
Later that night we had to check out the other spot - PLEASURE (who on this planet can think of such name for a club)! After the drunk walk there with some new wasted friends from Dubai we found a basically deserted club. To our surprise it actually looked rather modern and spacious... We definitely had to come back the next night - hopefully it will get busy!
The next day was dedicated to explorations of the online world. Let me just say - it’s really complicated. Even if you show your pictures the most of blank profiles will ask you for xxx pictures. And if you ask at least for a face pic it’s very likely the response will be - ‘i don’t know you well enough to show my face’. 100% of weirdness.
However even in the hopeless place you can find diamonds. This cute guy started talking to me (and even showed his real pics!!). He took me to the bar AMELIE. It’s just a cute simple bar with a terrace. You would never think it’s a gay friendly spot. But when we sat there I started noticing that most of the guests were from our community. Such a cute place with a super friendly atmosphere. A huge shout out to the waitress - she was super nice - her smile and attitude will made us feel at home.

That night we had to come back for some more PLEASURE. The cover was cheap ~ 2.5 Eur and even included a soft drink or a shot of Rakija. We found some people there, but it still looked pretty empty... I’d say 30% of the capacity and almost half of it - girls... Music was also sh$t - this time it sounded like a cheap Serbian pop. Somebody even told me there is a dark room under the stairs - but do not go there if you’re younger than 60!

Our party hunger was still not satisfied, next on the list was Serbian Berghain - DRUGSTORE. It supposed to be gay friendly... I wouldn’t agree with that. It felt more like a student party with many drunk girls smoking everywhere. You know the feeling when instead of dancing you keep on trying to dodge the cigarettes to not get your clothes burned. Even with this experience I strongly recommend to visit DRUGSTORE - the venue itself is amazing. It’s basically a falling apart warehouse with a few rooms. Check out very nice projections and don’t miss a huge Jesus Christ on the cross. Please be aware that you enter it at your own risk - I wouldn’t be surprised if some wall collapses during the next party.

The last full day in Belgrade was spent at Ada lake. Let me just say... Those shirtless Serbian boys are hot! And the hottest ones never go to gay bars and clubs - all of them are in the closet. Hopefully your gaydar is working well.
That night I met my handsome Serbian date again, we went back to AMELIE for more drinks. Even though I’m not a bar type guy - that’s the best gay friendly spot in town. We continued with spending the night walking around the city and the fortress (it’s open 24/7), kissing under the moonlight (which was the first kiss for him in the public space). Such a romantic night! Even though many of us are party boys - we all sometimes need those romantic nights that do not involve any dancing!
Belgrade is definitely not a gay friendly city, not a place where it’s easy to find a great gay party or even a hook up. But I find - often in such places you can meet really interesting, smart and cute guys!
hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭
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hotness of the crowd ---------🍭🍭🍭
friendliness of the people ----🍭🍭
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